The figures of deer, of kantharos (cantharus), and the four rivers of Paradise are all part of a rich catalog of early Christian iconography in Tunisia. We often find this iconography in the mosaics of baptisteries, as well as mosaics in the basilicas. The presence of such iconographic figures in all Tunisia, whether in prominent basilicas or in small rural churches reflects the unity of the Christian faith throughout the territory, as well as the firmness of the Christian traditions that came from the East. In this article, we will first explain the spiritual and Christian signification of these iconographic figures and afterwards we will present the models in mosaics found in Tunisia within their archeological context.
Le Père Silvio Gaston Moreno, IVE, argentin, est prêtre et archéologue de l'Institut du Verbe Incarné. Il a été ordonné prêtre en 2005. Actuellement il est curé au diocèse de Fréjus-Toulon en France. Il est un archéologue spécialiste de l'histoire et l'archéologie paléochrétienne de la Méditerranée. Il est membre de la SAIC (Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Cartagine) et de l'Association d'histoire et archéologie de Carthage. Il collabore avec l'Institut National du Patrimoine de Tunis en différentes missions archéologiques.
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